'I'll Never Find Another You"

Anniversaries are usually happy and celebratory occasions but as the third anniversary of losing Kai comes around on 16th March 2023, I continue to miss him everyday. Nonetheless, I am trying to focus, as I do everyday on all the joy, comfort, fun and laughter he brought into the lives of those who knew and loved him.

Writing my children's book and it's publication after nineteen months in August 2022, as well as, the positive response it has received has been cathartic.

Life goes on without Kai and living without him is the hardest part of all. Our homes are still lonely and the window where he loved to look out and watch the world and wait for his walker is still empty. How did he know the exact time, everyday, to wait for me? This still makes me smile.

It is impossible, despite time passing to forget Kai because he gave us so much to remember. We were fortunate to have him for nine special years and although those years will not return, he will continue to be forever in our hearts and I will always be grateful for knowing him and having him in my life. He will walk with us always.

As another anniversary comes around these words from Anatole France are especially apt.

" Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."

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